Hello world!

Welcome guys and gals, active WordPress bloggers, and internet surfers! Welcome… to Yaffingale. My name is Shweta Veda! Hear the name; and know it! I created Yaffingale once when I was bored utterly out of my mind! On this blog; you’ll never get bored! There are plenty of projects that you can do with those scraps that you’ve been wanting to throw away for so long! An example… ever wondered what you could do with an old and rusty magazine holder? Wanna know what brilliant mwah would do? I would spray paint the entire thing black, draw a couple of groovy pink peace signs and green polka dots, and screwdrive it horizontally to my bedroom wall! That’s my idea of the perfect bookshelf! And there’s plenty more ideas and interesting recipes for you to try out with your… um… <em>leftovers. I get these ideas from anywhere whether it’s AG Magazine, Seventeen, Pinterest (kinda like Facebook; only with  more pics; plus it’s way more safer. Like, people can’t instantly track you down like they can on Facebook), or just random internet surfing! Wanna show off some of your mad projects? E-mail me @ cr8ivme@rocketmail.com or harrypotterisamazing@rocketmail.com or harrypotterisamazing@rocketmail.com! I check both of those daily! Can’t wait to hear from you creative people out there! Toodles! 😉

My fave quote

My fave quote